My idea of a cool “toy,” is anything that shows me how to do something I couldn’t do before and expands my thinking. Such toys are rare, which is why I’m excited about my newest purchase. HeartMath is a heart-research and product company whose newsletters I’ve been following on-line for years. Founder Doc Childre […]
Executive Coaching
Alex Ramsey’s Thoughts for Finding Solutions with Conflicting Information
How do you find an answer when expert opinion smashes into one another? I was at an NSANT meeting this weekend where two “technology” gurus both spoke. They gave conflicting information about different ways to solve similar problems. Especially where technology is concerned, this happens all the time. It’s not always a bad thing. Nor is […]
I Had to Fire Someone Today
It’s not much fun knowing all weekend that, odds on, you are going to have to let someone go first thing Monday morning. Especially in this economy. Still, there are times when it is absolutely necessary. And I’ve never been as certain that it was necessary as I was today. Here’s the sad thing. […]
Add a Dash of Einstein
The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. Albert Einstein. I have Einstein on my brain, not just because I like the quote above. Even though he couldn’t come up with a unified field theory, Einstein wasn’t just sharp about physics. He had a lot of other things to say as well. The world […]
Sex Isn’t Selling? Martin Lindstrom’s Buyology
In spite of conventional wisdom, the research reveals other factors are far more important if you’re spending millions of dollars to push product. That’s what best seller Martin Lindstrom tells us in his new book Buyology. It’s called neuromarketing and it’s hot. Martin has been studying the neurology and neuroimaging of thousands of people in one […]
Executive Recruiter Nancy Keene: Becoming Indispensable Part III
I’ve been writing a lot recently on how to become indispensable. This is one idea, directly or indirectly, I talk about with my clients all the time. It’s really another take on the idea of creating value. In today’s new economic reality, where people are scared out of their wits and freaked out about jobs, […]
Frank Springett World Engineer of the Year Award: Becoming Indispensable II
I have a client, an engineer and an inventor, Frank Springett, who recently won the World Oil Industry Outstanding Engineer of the Year Award. Frank has developed a stable of patents for equipment in deep sea oil rigs. Not only is he smart, he’s a pretty cool guy as well. So I asked him what […]
Former Goldman Sachs Leader: Becoming Indispensable
Every body is freaking out about job security. Understandable. Still, some people manage to hold a job or quickly find one, no matter what. I thought it would be a good idea to discuss this topic. Of course, no one is indispensable. The idea is to become that. To become so valued in the workforce […]
The Lime Tree, Making Limeade Out of Sour Stuff
When I stepped onto my front porch today, a miniature lime tree greeted me. Tiny white blossoms were laced among its deep green leaves, and elfin-sized limes drooped from the branches. A thank-you gift from my friend Judy. We had lunch a week ago where she asked my advice about a difficult conversation […]
The Lady Yoda: An Unexpected Black Belt
She’s a sixth degree black belt, weighs in at about 92 pounds and is a petite 5’2″ tall. And that’s not the cool part. What goes on in her head, her philosophy about life, as she teaches the (mostly) men students she works with, that’s the cool part. Meet the strikingly attractive Aikido master […]