Watching open-heart surgery is like no other experience. I learned this working with a client who pioneered open-heart procedures. There it is. The heart, the body’s power center. The bloody red source of ecstasy or hellish misery-so the poets say…. Its power stopped, not beating. It lies in a puddle of liquid, in an open […]
Month: January 2010
Looking at the Surface Rather than the Substance of Airport Security
On a recent trip to the Mexican coastal town Zihautanejo, getting through security at Dallas Ft. Worth was reasonable. Coming back was another story. At the airport, before we were allowed to check in at the reservations desk, all bags and passengers were searched carefully one by one. Then, I was required to check […]
Boone Pickens + Al Gore: Strange Bedfellows
I sometimes feel I shouldn’t be surprised by anything any more. Yet, sometimes, I am. When I heard conservative billionaire T. Boone Pickens describe his new-found friendship with former vice-president Al Gore, I laughed in disbelief along with the rest of the people at my table. Boone was serious. “If Al Gore ever invites you […]
Taking a Break in Zihautanejo
It may be freezing where you are. Obviously, it is not freezing here. I took this foto from my hotel balcony a few hours ago. Rather than trudge through January, I decided at the last minute to hop on a plane and take off for somewhere I’ve never been, where I hoped it would be […]