Last week, I watched two films based on “true” stories about two extraordinary historical events (where opportunities for leadership abound). One is about a horse and a woman. One is about a young male and his brain. One story is finished. The other is just beginning. Of course, I’m talking about Secretariat and Social Network. […]
Apple Addiction and Other Technology Traumas
If I hear one more technical support person parrot, “I apologize,” and not mean it at all, I may run for Congress on a platform to hold all call center executives accountable for consumer torture. Surely, I am not the only person in this country who is sick and tired of being treated as if […]
The Blog Ghost Shakes Hands
Okay, I admit it. I don’t always “get” it when it comes to technology. Here’s what I’d like to know: How is it that after months and months of writing this blog, all of a sudden, my monthly newsletter, all about handshakes this month, and which is completelyindependent of this blog and uses a completely […]
Sex Isn’t Selling? Martin Lindstrom’s Buyology
In spite of conventional wisdom, the research reveals other factors are far more important if you’re spending millions of dollars to push product. That’s what best seller Martin Lindstrom tells us in his new book Buyology. It’s called neuromarketing and it’s hot. Martin has been studying the neurology and neuroimaging of thousands of people in one […] is worth a few minutes of your time. Especially for the purposes of this column, being a reflection on leadership, it inspires the imagination. When you open it, you will see an enormous long-shot panorama of the inauguration. Impressive, but it is when you zoom in, with exceptional clarity, to any detail, that you […]