Grateful? Put It In Writing – November 2009

  When Investors Business Daily interviewed me during Thanksgiving week in 2004 about LodeStar Universal executive coaching, they were curious about one particular executive coaching “secret.” Once a controversial and edgy idea, the practice was none other than my take on the “gratitude journal.” Five years later, it’s again Thanksgiving; and I still recommend the practice. […]

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Carl Sewell’s Customers for Life

             Car magnate Carl Sewell‘s book Customers for Life makes an important link between customers and employees. Treating one group well over the other is not an “either-or” concept, in spite of the fact such seems to be the case in some companies. Let’s see, a comparison between two airlines comes immediately to mind: one […]

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Alex Ramsey’s Thoughts for Finding Solutions with Conflicting Information

How do you find an answer when expert opinion smashes into one another? I was at an NSANT meeting this weekend where two “technology” gurus both spoke. They gave conflicting information about different ways to solve similar problems. Especially where technology is concerned, this happens all the time. It’s not always a bad thing. Nor is […]

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