It’s not nice to talk about money, so Mother-and even the Feds say. Mother, of course, was thinking manners. The Feds? Price fixing….. Yet, everybody’s doing it. Tonight, including me. It’s just too interesting, especially given the economic times. What caught my attention is media coverage about the current rash of former CEOs thought headed […]
Apple Addiction and Other Technology Traumas
If I hear one more technical support person parrot, “I apologize,” and not mean it at all, I may run for Congress on a platform to hold all call center executives accountable for consumer torture. Surely, I am not the only person in this country who is sick and tired of being treated as if […]
Looking at the Surface Rather than the Substance of Airport Security
On a recent trip to the Mexican coastal town Zihautanejo, getting through security at Dallas Ft. Worth was reasonable. Coming back was another story. At the airport, before we were allowed to check in at the reservations desk, all bags and passengers were searched carefully one by one. Then, I was required to check […]
Boone Pickens + Al Gore: Strange Bedfellows
I sometimes feel I shouldn’t be surprised by anything any more. Yet, sometimes, I am. When I heard conservative billionaire T. Boone Pickens describe his new-found friendship with former vice-president Al Gore, I laughed in disbelief along with the rest of the people at my table. Boone was serious. “If Al Gore ever invites you […]
I Had to Fire Someone Today
It’s not much fun knowing all weekend that, odds on, you are going to have to let someone go first thing Monday morning. Especially in this economy. Still, there are times when it is absolutely necessary. And I’ve never been as certain that it was necessary as I was today. Here’s the sad thing. […]
Rodney Johnson’s Future and Mad Men’s Past
When Rodney Johnson, President of HS Dent, a company that provides economic research, spoke in Dallas last Friday, I was there. I’d not seen Rodney, a long-time client of mine, present since several years ago when I was invited to speak at the annual HS Dent conference myself. It’s always provocative to […]
Meg Whitman: California’s Next Governor?
Speaking to the Women Presidents Organization last Thursday near San Diego, eBay‘s former CEO discussed her past, present, and future to a crowd of about 600. As interesting as her past is, Meg Whitman’s future is bound to be a wild roller coaster ride. She hopes to be California’s next Governor, a state whose […]
Rodney Johnson, President of HS Dent, Answers Your Questions
Hello to everyone who participated in the You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought teleconference call in March with the President of HS Dent, Rodney Johnson. Took me a while to post ’cause I came down with a big case of the flu. Just now getting back in the swing and catching up. […]